2024 Commercial Tobacco Nicotine Prevention
Does your organization have a great idea for a commercial tobacco or nicotine prevention program or project? Apply now to Umatilla county Tobacco Coalition's Mini-Grant Opportunity!
Nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, and healthcare facilities are eligible to apply. Individuals, city, county, and tribal governments are not eligible. Organizations must submit an application that meets the following:
Benefits at least one high-risk population
Relates to substance use prevention
Applications will be scored based on the rubric below. A perfect score is not necessary. All coalition members will have the opportunity to score the application. An average of 15 points must be obtained for grant approval.

Allowable Expenses
Funds can be used for tangible items or one-time expenditures (event space rental, training fee, etc.). Funds may not be used for staff time. Unfortunately, due to a change in restrictions, funds may not be used to purchase vape detectors.
Examples of Allowable Expenses:
Fees for individual training (i.e. TMEC)
Event space rental
Commercial tobacco-free signage
Funds may not be used for the following:
Commercial tobacco retail licensure (TRL) enforcement activities
Treatment services other than commercial tobacco cessation
Other programs or efforts not related to commercial tobacco prevention
Vape detectors

Organizations may apply for up to $5,000 each to fill in gaps in prevention activities. Organizations that have been selected must submit a reimbursement request once activities are completed to receive funds. All funding must be spent by May 31st, 2025. Grantees must complete the required reporting by June 15th, 2025.
For questions or more information please email Isabel.devera@umatillacounty.gov