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  • Scientific Excellence • Passion & Pride              • Accountability • Teamwork • Inclusivity           • Respect • Integrity 


Dr. Deborah Woodbury was appointed the Public Health Officer for Umatilla County as of January 1st, 2025. With over 30 years of experience in family medicine, Dr. Woodbury has dedicated her career to providing comprehensive healthcare services to the community.

Currently practicing at Pendleton Family Medicine, Dr. Woodbury is known for her commitment to patient care and her efforts to improve health outcomes. Her leadership and vision will be invaluable as UCo Health continues to work towards a healthier Umatilla County.

Dr. Woodbury is passionate about making a difference and is committed to continuing the legacy of building a healthier and stronger community in Umatilla County.

Dr. Woodbury succeeds Dr. Jonathan Hitzman, who served as the health officer for over a decade and made significant contributions to the community's health.

Please contact the Umatilla County Public Health Department at 541-278-5432 or email for more information. 

Licensure: Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS)
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health
Master of Science in Environmental Health
Bio:  Originally from Wyoming, I began working in local public health in 2007.  Working in Environmental Health for the Custer Health District in North Dakota and for the Walla Walla County Department of Community Health in Washington has given me background and insights that I continue to draw upon.  Joining the UCo Health Team in 2016 and eventually becoming Director in September of 2018 brought new challenges to an ever changing world of public health.  As Director, I have strived to continually improve the services and accountability of UCo Health.  I am proud of the progress we have made so far and I look forward to seeing what UCo Health and the residents of Umatilla County can accomplish together in the future.

Licensure: Registered Nurse
Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, University of Portland
Masters in Nursing in Advanced Population Health, Washington State University
Bio: The focus of my career has been in public health nursing. I believe in the difference that nurses can make through population level interventions. I strive to find inventive and upstream ways to promote health for all. I am passionate about building a healthier community in Umatilla County as a part of the great team at UCo Health. 

License: REHS
Education: Bachelor's in Biology,                             
Eastern Oregon University
Master's in Biology, Osaka University
Bio: I am passionate about helping and serving the public. UCo Health has provided a great opportunity to serve this community with its environmental health services. I am truly grateful to be a part of the UCo Health team as it has provided the ability to excel and grow. I wish to use my skills and abilities to better assist with members of the community. I look forward to building and growing a healthier community together.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Biology, University of Kansas                                              Master of Public Health in Epidemiology, University of South Florida
Bio:  I have always been an advocate for serving the communities I live in and creating a healthier world. My public health career started here at UCo Health during my AmeriCorps VISTA year, during which I gained a deep appreciation for Umatilla County. I have since developed a passion for community health and the prevention and population health concepts and programs I work to implement everyday. I’m grateful to work with such amazing people on the UCo Health team, through organizational partnerships, and in our direct work with community members. I aim to build a healthier Umatilla County through prevention, promotion, and careful planning to bring different sectors together in service to our community.

Education:   Doctorate in Medical Sciences Public Health, Masters in Public Health & Masters in Public Management
Bio:  Born and educated in Venezuela, I was most recently posted in Mexico City where I worked for 5 years. I am now happy to offer my skills to the residents of Umatilla County and live in the beautiful city of Pendleton.  I am excited and grateful to be chosen to work with Umatilla County Public Health and will use my education and experience in developing & facilitating programs to improve Umatilla County's public health.  
Goals:  My greatest aspiration is to contribute to the health of all by using my experiences and work tools to continue the journey towards healthier communities by using self-care, health education and disease prevention.

For After Hours Public Health Emergencies, Call:  541-966-3651


Umatilla County Public Health is dedicated to promoting, protecting, and  preserving the health of our community.

Public Health Services

For After Hours Public Health Emergencies call Dispatch at: 


Clients can schedule an appointment in advance via phone for all Immunizations. 

Additional Immunization information available here. 

CLINIC  Appointment Information:

Pendleton                   Monday-Friday
200 SE 3rd St.              8:00 am to 5:00 pm
541-278-5432            Fax: 541-278-5433

Hermiston                 Tuesday-Friday
180 NE 2nd St. #23   9:00 am to 3:30 pm
541-567-3113           Fax: 541-567-3112

-No one will be denied health services for inability to pay.

Nurse Family Partnership is a free and voluntary program that provides support for first time pregnant moms in Umatilla and Morrow County. The nurses meet their clients wherever is most convenient for them and schedule appointments that work with their client's schedule.

How to Refer or Connect with Umatilla-Morrow County Nurse-Family Partnership? 

Please follow this link for more Program Information.

Clients can schedule an appointment in advance via phone for all Family Planning services, Immunizations, testing for pregnancy, HIV, Hep C and Sexually Transmitted Infections, etc.  

CLINIC  Appointment Information:

Pendleton                   Monday-Friday
200 SE 3rd St.              8:00 am to 5:00 pm
541-278-5432            Fax: 541-278-5433

Hermiston                 Tuesday-Friday
180 NE 2nd St. #23   9:00 am to 3:30 pm
541-567-3113           Fax: 541-567-3112

-No one will be denied health services for inability to pay.

We offer a broad range of birth control methods, information, and referral in order to provide individuals with the freedom to choose the number and spacing of their children and to improve the health of our community.  Click for More Information: 

There are two certified school based health centers (SBHCs) in Pendleton located at the high school and middle school.

Detailed Information Available Here

There is a new Hermiston Student Health Center located at Hermiston High School

Detailed Information Available Here.

Vital Statistics:  All Umatilla County births and deaths are registered at the Pendleton office of UCo Health.  For a fee, a certified certificate can be purchased at the department up to six months after date of event. Contact our office to schedule an appointment.                                  If your child is over the age of six months you can order a birth certificate from the state via phone 888-896-4988 or via website

Click here for more information.

News & Resources

Press Releases


Dated: March 14, 2025

Media Contact:
Name: Paula Lamas, Communications Coordinator
Office: 541-567-3113    Ext: 3143


UCo Health Informs Community of Pertussis Outbreak in Umatilla County

21 Cases Reported Across Multiple Regions and Age Groups

Umatilla County, OR - March, 12th 2025 – UCo Health is informing the community about an ongoing pertussis (whooping cough) outbreak in Umatilla County, with 21 reported cases, including both confirmed and additional suspect cases. These cases have been identified across multiple regions of the county and span individuals of various age groups.

Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory disease that spreads easily through coughing and sneezing. While it can cause severe illness, especially in infants, young children, and those with weakened immune systems, many individuals in this situation experience only mild symptoms similar to those of the common cold. Because of this, pertussis can often go undiagnosed and unintentionally spread to others who may be more vulnerable.

What Parents and Community Members Need to Know:

  • Symptoms to Watch For: Mild cold-like symptoms (such as a runny nose and mild cough) in the early stages. This can develop into prolonged coughing fits, sometimes with a "whooping" sound, difficulty breathing, vomiting after coughing, and exhaustion.
  • Who’s at Risk? Infants, pregnant women, unvaccinated individuals, and those with weakened immune systems face the highest risk of severe illness.
  • Prevention is Key: Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent pertussis. If you are unsure about your pertussis vaccination status, please contact your primary healthcare provider for assistance.

What to Do If You or Your Child Have Symptoms:

If you or your child develop symptoms, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Those diagnosed with pertussis may need antibiotics and should stay home to prevent further spread.

"We are actively collaborating with school districts and other impacted facilities to promptly notify, contain the pertussis outbreak, and protect the health of our residents," said Joseph Fiumara, Public Health Director at UCo Health. "Vaccination, early detection, and prompt treatment are critical in halting the spread of this disease."

UCo Health will continue monitoring the outbreak and providing updates as needed.

For more information on pertussis symptoms, prevention, and vaccine availability, please visit Oregon Health Authority website or call UCO Health 541-278-6290.



The  Community Health Assessment  provides a snapshot of our county, as well as our state and nation. This helps to identify the community's unmet needs so that programs in the future can help fill the gaps. Please review the Umatilla County Community Health Assessment to access this important information on our community. 

Health Information & Resources: 

A county resource guide that provides information on local services and assistance available to residents. It includes resources for healthcare, housing, food, employment, education, legal aid, emergency services, and transportation. This guide allow for residents to find the support they need in their community.

Community Resource Guide

Guía de Recursos Comunitarios

The Healthy Oregon Modernization East (HOME) Collaborative was implemented in 2022. It was established to develop awareness and provide education on Health Equity and weather resiliency and how it affects Eastern Oregon. With partnerships in 8 counties, our mission is to create a system where everyone needs are met and influence changes in our communities to mitigate temperatures and weather patterns. Our hope is that with the efforts from our local authorities and communities, we can begin to incorporate the public health needs and habits to reach our goal.

Click Here for Health Equity Information or for Climate Resiliency Information

“For he who has health has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.”
                                              — Owen Arthur


  • Healthy Practices
• Healthy People
• Healthy Places 

Environmental Health

Food Handler's Permit: Follow this link.
What is a Temporary Restaurant? Each person or organization that wishes to sell or give out food to the general public during a special event is required by Oregon law to obtain a temporary restaurant license. Every food booth must apply for a separate license for every event where food is served. This applies to any establishment operating temporarily in connection with any event where food is prepared or served to the public. Examples Are: Farmers Markets, Festivals, Concerts, Fairs, Circuses, Carnivals, & Flea Markets.
  1. Temporary Restaurant Application Form
  2. Temporary Restaurant Setup and Guidelines
  3. Intermittent and Seasonal Plan Review
  4. Benevolent Meal Site 
►Temporary Hand Wash Station-Español -Available Soon Online/ If needed, call 541-278-6394.
►Information about Intermittent and Seasonal Plan Reviews.
Fact Sheet #16: Food Exempt from Licensing
Fact Sheet #32: Prohibiting Bare hand Contact at Temporary Events for Exempt Operations.
Exempt Foods Agreement Form
All restaurants and food establishments must obtain a license and pass health inspections to assure that the establishment meets food sanitation standards. This applies to all restaurants and also bed & breakfasts.  Please contact us if there is a change in ownership or there are changes made to the menu items.  You must obtain a license and a plan review before opening a new restaurant or remodeling a restaurant: 
Food Service Plan Review Packet 
►Food Service License Application in English in Spanish.   

A mobile food unit is any vehicle that is self-propelled, or can be pulled or pushed down a sidewalk, street or highway. Food may be prepared on this vehicle, and the vehicle is used to sell and dispense food to the public. • Mobile units must be mobile at all times during operation. The unit must be on wheels. • The unit, all operations and the equipment must be integral to the unit.
►Mobile Unit Plan Review Packet in English & Spanish 
►Food Service License Application in English & Spanish
Mobile Food Unit Operation Guide
Mobile Unit Playbook (From Multnomah County)
Mobile Unit Playbook (From Multnomah County) - Español

Public Swimming Pools & Spas must be licensed and pass regular health inspections.
►This applies to all public pools, spas, wading pools, and similar water recreation sites.
►You must obtain a plan review & license before building a new public pool or spa OR remodeling a public pool or spa. 
►Please contact us prior to changing any of the following: • Pump • Filter • Heater • Disinfection device.
Types of public pool facilities include:  General use -any member of the general public can pay at the door & Limited use -membership, or member guest status, is required for use. 
Facilities are considered public if they are:  Associated with more than 4 housing units (including apartments, condo associations & neighborhood associations) •Private clubs •Fitness clubs •Hotels •Motels •Schools  •Commercial concerns or parks •Recreation Departments. 
Pool & Spa Resources: 
►Oregon Health Authority Pool Rules
►Oregon Health Authority Spa Rules
Pool & Spa Application 
Application for Permit to Construct and/or Alter Pool or Spa 
►Public Swimming Pool or Spa Daily Record  
CPO Training Dates.
Pool Accidents:  
Pool Accident Report Form
Fecal Incident Response(pdf)
Cleaning Up Body Fluid Spills on Pool Surfaces

All hotels, motels and bed and breakfast establishments must be licensed. They also must pass regular health inspections. This applies to any establishments that have sleeping facilities that are to be rented on a daily or weekly basis to travelers or transients for a charge or fee paid for rental or use of facility.
  1. Tourist Accomodation Application 
  2. Travelers' Accommodation Rules  
  3. Hotel Food License Flow Chart  
  4. Bed & Breakfast Rules 
  5. Recreational Park Rules
  6. Organizational Camp Rules 
  7. Organizational Camp Accident Form

UCO Health issues septic system permits for households that are not served by public sewer. These households usually depend on septic systems to treat and dispose of wastewater. UCO Health is also responsible for conducting inspections on these systems to ensure that they are installed properly to provide adequate treatment and prevent sewage exposure to the public.   A septic system is the most common method of sewage treatment for homes and businesses that are not connected to an area wide sewage system. In its basic form, a septic system consists of a septic tank, where solids settle and decompose, and a drainfield where liquid discharged from the tank is treated by bacteria in the soil. More information can be found at Oregon Septic Smart. 
Septic Forms:
Site Evaluation Packet The site evaluation packet is used for the determination of site suitability for a new on-site septic system.
Construction Permit Packet
Repair & Alteration Permit Packet
Authorization Notice & Existing System Report Packet
Rules and Regulations For Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems

Are YOU in Crisis?

Beginning July 16, 2022, a new three-digit phone number - 988 - became available 24/7 for people to call when they are or someone else is having a behavioral health crisis or emergency. Additionally, there is the 24/7 National Suicide Hotline number: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Text access & help also available by texting Oregon to 741741.

What Do We Do? Public Health Departments are responsible for creating and maintaining conditions that keep people healthy. Every community has a unique "public health system". Our goals in Umatilla County Public Health are to understand the specific health issues, investigate health problems and threats, prevent and or minimize communicable disease outbreaks caused by unsafe food, water, chronic diseases, environmental hazards, injuries, and risky health behaviors. This department works actively in the development of response plans in the event of a public health emergency. We work closely with local responders and the state. We have partnerships with public and private health care providers, community and government agencies that all are working toward the betterment of our community.  The public health clinics in Umatilla County provide a wide variety of services. All services are confidential and no one will be denied services for inability to pay.  Umatilla County Public Health Department does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation, or handicapped status in employment or provision of services.  Do you need to schedule a visit? Clients can schedule an appointment in advance by calling or emailing to schedule an appointment for all Family Planning services, Immunizations, testing for pregnancy, HIV, Hep C & Sexually Transmitted Infections, etc.